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Recommend us and get 1500kr off!

We know that someone’s recommendation weighs heavily on a purchase decision. If someone has tested the service before and is satisfied, it is always easier to decide. So we want to give you as a loyal customer a gift if you recommend us to someone else.

Do you know someone who needs a new security solution and wants us to come out and give them free advice?

Tell us about your friend and then send us their contact details and we will contact them. If this results in your friend becoming a customer of us at Safeguard, you will receive a one-time discount of 1500kr as a thank you for your help. It will be deducted from your next invoice.

Fill in your details and information to the one you would recommend to switch to Safeguard.

Thank you for your confidence, and we look forward to cooperating with you for many years to come!

Recommend us

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    I’m very pleased with the collaboration with Safeguard!
    Have hired Safeguard for all our alarm bags that we have
    on our scaffolding

    Gille Sabovic / Gilles Byggställningar

    It’s nice to work with Safeguard! They are smooth and solve most things
    at once. I usually know myself if a company is serious or
    not and my first positive impression of Safeguard is.
    I am very happy and recommend them to everyone!

    Safah Hendi / 81ans Tobak

    For us, security is extremely important, and nothing to play with!
    At Andy’s Lekland in Örebro, Safeguard has a total responsibility
    for the security solutions. For me it was the competence and the
    personal commitment that decided in the choice of security company

    Annelie Johansson / Leos Lekland

    Our need for camera surveillance and it works really well. They are
    professional and deliver quality, and when you
    need help you get it right away

    Augin Ataseven /  Fastighetsägare

    We had a lot of problems with our former security company
    “so-called big company”. In less than a year we had thirteen burglaries.
    The solution they recommended us was not enough and did not work at all.
    When we hired Safeguard we have been able to sleep well in the evenings

    Fatih Cetinkaya / Lilla Rött

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